What Happened to Borobudur temple fee entrances

ForSEBI International News

“What Happened to Borobudur temple fee entrances”

Holla People of Robbani's economist

After 2 years the covid-19 pandemic began to slowly end and made people around the world start traveling again because social distancing was not as strict as it used to be.

Borobudur is one of the seven wonders of the word that has been recognized by UNESCO plans to make some changes to tourism activities. Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment said the entrance fee to Borobudur would be increased to Rp 750,000 for local tourists and Rp 1,500,000 for foreign tourists.

this price will only be charged to tourists who plan to enter the actual temple part, while the normal fare of IDR 50,000 will still apply for those who travel just enter the Borobudur area.

This policy reaps the pros and cons of the community. Especially from Buddhist circles who think this is very expensive for those who always worship at this temple. And for archaeologists this is part of a plan to save Borobudur from any signs of damage from overcrowding.

So, as Robbani's economist, what do you think about this issue? Is this still normal or too expensive especially for those who have religious interests?

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