7th Current Issue Discussion of Islamic Economic

Assalamualaikum wr.wb . Hello Ekonom Rabbani, how are you guys? We are from Research and Discussion Department Forum Studi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (ForSEBI) will hold the 7th Current Issue Discussion of Islamic Economic. The Discussion this time has the theme: "The Concept of ESG to Support Sustainable Finance: An Islamic Economic Perspective" OPEN FOR PUBLIC Let's invite your friends, so ....


Departement Human Resource Development ForSEBI Proudly Present SKAF BASIC 8 Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Hello Al-Farabi How are you guys? Don't forget to take care and stay safe ya all !! SKAF is the ForSEBI Member Cadreization School which also talks a lot about Islamic Economics, now in SKAF Basic 8 this time we will study about: Management and Organization Presenter : Ishak, S.E. (ForSEBI....

Sharing Session

Assalamualaikum wr.wb . Hello Ekonom Rabbani, how are you guys? We are from Internationalization and Global Network Department Forum Studi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (ForSEBI) will hold a 1st Sharing Session Scholarship. The Sharing Session this time has the theme: "Scholarships 101: A Guide to Become an Awardee" OPEN TO PUBLIC Let's invite your friends, so we can get insight about scholarship....

Alumni Back to ForSEBI

Assalamu'alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Hello Rabbani Economist Are you confused about what to do on holiday The program from the Public Relations Department. can be a positive alternative to fill your friends' vacations Proverb says: ....


SPECIAL INVITATION Hello Rabbani friends Are you still excited to join the ForSEBI agenda? We have the perfect event to fill your day....

SHARING SESSION ForSEBI OVERVIEW , dengan tema: "Menyambung Silaturahmi, Bersama Perkuat Ekonom Rabbani"

Selamat Datang Mahasiswa Baru FEBI UIN Sunan Kalijaga 2022 Welcome to the Club, Kalijaga Muda!!! Ingin aktif organisasi dan kepanitiaan? Ingin belajar ekonomi Islam secara intensif? Ingin ikut lomba regional, nasional ataupun internasional? Let's Join Us Forum Studi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (ForSEBI) FEBI UIN Sunan Kalijaga Proudly Present SHARING SESSION ForSEBI OVERVIEW , dengan tema: ....


FGD BACK TO KSEI Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Hallo Ekonom Rabbani! Setelah DEI, atau di ForSEBI dikenal sebagai FBE, alur kaderisasi tingkat 2 di FoSSEI adalah FoSSEI Development Training (FDT) Alhamdulillah acara FoSSEI Development Training (FDT) Batch#2, yang diselenggarakan oleh FoSSEI Regional Yogyakarta sudah selesai nih. Kalian ingin tau ga sih, ilmu yang didapat oleh peserta FDT itu apa....