Hari:Sabtu s.d. Sabtu
Tanggal:17 September 2022 s.d. 17 September 2022
Jam:09:00:00 s.d. 12:00:00 WIB
Deskripsi : Departement Human Resource Development ForSEBI Proudly Present SKAF BASIC 8 Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Hello Al-Farabi How are you guys? Don't forget to take care and stay safe ya all !! SKAF is the ForSEBI Member Cadreization School which also talks a lot about Islamic Economics, now in SKAF Basic 8 this time we will study about: Management and Organization Presenter : Ishak, S.E. (ForSEBI's Alumni/ForSEBI's Leader 2019-2020) Moderator :

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