Hari:Rabu s.d. Rabu
Tanggal:5 Oktober 2022 s.d. 5 Oktober 2022
Jam:15:30:00 s.d. 17:30:00 WIB
Deskripsi : Departement Human Resource Development ForSEBI Proudly Present SKAF INTERMEDIATE 6 Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Hello Abu Yusuf How are you guys? Don't forget to take care and stay safe ya all !! SKAF is the ForSEBI Member Cadreization School which also talks a lot about Islamic Economics, now in SKAF Intermediate 6 this time we will study about: EKONOMI ZAKAT DAN WAKAF Presenter : Furqonul Haq, S.EI., M.E.I (Lecturer of FEBI UIN Sunan Kalijaga) Moderator : Rizki Dwi (Secretary of Human Resource and Development 2021/2022) Save The Date wednesday, October 5th 2022 03.30 PM - till end R. 313 FEBI UIN Sunan Kalijaga Benefit Useful knowledge Ukhuwah Member activity points Snack Mandatory for all ForSEBI's member of Abu Yusuf Don't miss this opportunity, okay! Set an alarm from now on for SKAF Intermediate 6

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