Hari | : | Selasa |
Tanggal | : | 31 Mei 2022 |
Jam | : | 08:00:00 s.d. 08:00:00 WIB |
Tempat | : | |
Deskripsi | : | Forum Studi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (ForSEBI) Proudly Present SEA-SUKA 3.0 (Sharia Economics Advancement Sunan Kalijaga 3.0) SEA-SUKA TALKSHOW Assalamualaikum Wr Wb. Hollaaaaaa Economist Robbani!!! good news, registration for the SEA-SUKA Talkshow is open ‼ With Our Greatest Topic “With Rabbani Economists, the SDG's Achieved” Best Speakers of This SEA-SUKA Talkshow Event Speaker 1: Mustofa Ahda, M. Sc. (Head Director of Halal Center MES) Speaker 2: Rofiul Wahyudi, S.E.I., M.E.I. (Supervisor of KSEI ADSEF, Ahmad Dahlan University) Speaker 3 : Ahmad Akbar Susamto, S.E., M.Phil Ph.D. (Supervisor of KSEI SEF, Gadjah Mada University) Speaker 4: Dr. Abdul Qoyyum, S.E.I., M.Sc.Fin. (Supervisor of KSEI ForSEBI, Islamic State University Sunan Kalijaga) Speaker 5: Satria Utama, S.E.i., M.E.I. (Supervisor of KSEI FIES, Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University) Moderator: Ismadanaf Ramadan (National Presidium of FoSSEI 2021/2022) (Chief of ForSEBI 2018/2019) HTM: Free For Public SEA-SUKA Talkshow Will be held on: Tuesday, May, 31 2022 At 01.00 PM - Till End 1. Teatrikal Faculty Islamic Economics and Business UIN Sunan Kalijaga 2. Live Youtube ForSEBI Uin Sunan Kalijaga (For Public) Facilities 1. E-certificate 2. Knowledge 3. More Relation Require to All ForSEBI Cadres Contact Person +6281383038906 (Zair) +6285328331214 (Falakhul) Registration Link So what are you waiting for, let's register yourself now! Don't forget Thank You Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb |