Hari:Kamis s.d. Kamis
Tanggal:3 Maret 2022 s.d. 3 Maret 2022
Jam:07:30:00 s.d. 12:00:00 WIB
Deskripsi : 2nd BUSINESS PLAN DISCUSSION Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Hallo Rabbani Economist How are you? We are from Research and Discussion Department Forum Studi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (ForSEBI) will hold The 2nd Business Plan Discussion Previously we have understood the initial description of the business plan, then now let's understand the types of business models that are often used to build a business, with the chosen theme: Understanding The Types of Business Models OPEN TO ALL FORSEBI MEMBERS MANDATORY TO BUSINESS PLAN CLUB MEMBERS Let's invite your friends so we can get many insight