Sharing Session

Hari:Sabtu s.d. Sabtu
Tanggal:29 Oktober 2022 s.d. 29 Oktober 2022
Jam:09:00:00 s.d. 12:00:00 WIB
Deskripsi : Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Hello ForSEBI members How is the PKL preparation? Or is there something you haven't thought of yet? Now in this sharing session, we discuss how to PKL at KNEKS With Our Greatest Topic "Sharing Session: Prepare yourself to take on PKL with ForSEBI" Speaker : Eka Jati Rahayu Firmansyah, S.H.I., M (Deputy Director KNEKS) Special Performance: Dimas Alamsyah we invite you to attend the agenda which will be held on : Saturday, 29th October 2022 09.00 A.M - till end Zoom Meeting Benefits: Ukhuwah Knowledge Entertainment For All Member ForSEBI Come and join us Contact Persons: 081231682411 (Naeli) 085601915259 (Rika) Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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